It is a little known fact that all hair on your body grows in different cycles. Some hair follicles may be in a completely different stage of growth than others and this can be challenging with waxing services. 

Stages of Hair Growth:


The anagen stage is the first stage of the hair-growth cycle. This is the stage where new hair is produced. It is estimated that as much as 85 percent of all hair on your body will be at this stage at the same time.


Because most of your body hair is just beginning to grow, this makes it the perfect time to wax. Waxing during the anagen stage will give you a longer hair-free period than any other stage.


This is the second stage of hair growth—the falling-out stage. The hair detaches from the hair bulb and blood supply. Only 2 percent to 3 percent of the body’s hair will be at this stage at any given time.


At this stage of the hair-growth cycle, the hair has none of the nutrients it needs to be healthy, so it often lacks moisture and looks dull.


This is the last stage of hair-growth cycle, and it represents the resting stage. At this point, the hair is inactive and the new hair bulb has not yet started to grow.


The hair at this stage is at its fullest and is more likely to fall out or shed. It’s important to avoid shaving, tweezing, or use any hair removal creams during this cycle in order to avoid interrupting the hair growth cycle.

Other Fun Facts About Hair Growth:

It can take many weeks for hair to grow from the base of the hair follicle to the skin surface where it becomes apparent. This explains why we may sometimes feel a little stubble after waxing—some of the hairs are still in the anagen stage and aren’t long enough to be removed.

Also, two hairs can grow next to each other while still being in different stages of growth. With regular waxing every four to five weeks, you are more likely to grab the hair on the same growth cycle, allowing for optimal waxing results.

Diamando Perivolaris

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